Build Agile Business Processes with Microsoft

In this edition of Tech Tuesday with Seeside Extended and Microsoft,

We discover four key strategies for modernizing your business applications—rehost, refactor, rearchitect, and rebuild.

1.) Rehost

Often referred to as “lift and shift” migration, this no-code option lets you miograte your existing applications to Azure quickly – without the risks or costs of making code changes.

Used for:

  • Moving applications to the cloud quickly
  • Apps that use Azure Iaas scalability
  • Businesses that require the applications but don’t need to change capabilities right away

2.) Refactor

Often referred to as “repackage”, this cloud migration strategy involves some change to the application design but no wholesale changes to the application code.

Used for:

  • When you have an existing codebase and development skills
  • Code portability is a concern
  • A quick way to modernize your apps

3.) Rearchitect

Modernize your app into a resilient, highly scalable, independently deployable architecture and use Azure to accelerate the process, scale applications, and manage your apps with ease.

Used for:

  • Taking advantage of existing application investments
  • Meeting scalability requirements in a cost-effective way
  • Bringing new Azure capabilities to existing applications

4.) Rebuild

Rebuild an application from scratch using cloud native technologies, without the expense and complexity of software licenses, the need for underlying application infrastructure, or middleware nad other resources.

Used for:

  • Rapid development when the existing application is slowing you down
  • Building innovative apps that take advantage of advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Expediting business innovation

Yours in Tech,
Seeside Extended

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